Tag Archive for: 3d secure

Enhancing Security and Convenience: Exploring the Benefits of 3DS2
3D Secure 2 is an upgraded version of the global standard for card authentication. It is designed to address several pain points of 3D-Secure 1 and offers numerous benefits, especially from a mobile payments standpoint and is the only fraud…

GPayments releases new authentication software to address Verified by Visa, MasterCard SecureCode and JCB J/Secure usability issues
Sydney, 3 February, 2009: GPayments, the leading Australian-based authentication and payment solution company, has announced the availability of a new solution to address usability issues surrounding Verified by Visa, MasterCard SecureCode…

GPayments brings 3D Secure to Kyrgyzstan
Sydney, 4 March, 2019 – GPayments, a leading provider of payment authentication solutions, announced today its collaboration with Interbank Processing Center (IPC) of Kyrgyzstan.
GPayments is providing IPC with ActiveAccess to use as its…

Exploring Out of Band Authentication in EMVCo 3D Secure 2.0
Out of band (OOB) authentication represents the authentication mechanism that involves the presence of two varied signals from two distinct channels or networks. The objective of OOB implementation is to ward off any attacks by hackers and prevent…

How does 3D Secure adapt to the mobile commerce boom?
Mobile commerce is rapidly on the rise. Out of all global eCommerce sales, mobile commerce has grown from 40.2% in terms of transaction value in 2015, to 58.9% just two years later in 2017 (source: eMarketer[1]). This is all happening while…

Biometric Identification is the Future for CNP Fraud Prevention
In January of this year, Mastercard announced that by the second quarter of 2019 all customers will be able to identify themselves with biometrics. The push for such technologies has been driven by the increase in mobile technology and online…