Entries by Gelareh

MOTO Payments: The Essential Guide for Fraud and Risk Teams

MOTO payments, or ‘Mail Order / Telephone Order’ payments, are a type of electronic payment that have been used for decades. They differ from ecommerce transactions in that the merchant is processing cardholder data manually and not through an online store. This means that MOTO payments are often more vulnerable to fraud than eCommerce transactions, […]


3DS2 Fraud Prevention Solutions for Ecommerce

Online retail payments are booming. Ecommerce revenue in Australia is predicted to reach USD $32.3 billion by 2024 according to the U.S. Department of Commerce. Additionally, mobile payments represent 26.4% of all online transactions according to PayPal. GPayments knows a thing or two about how to promote secure, reliable and frictionless ecommerce transactions— a 3D […]

Who Is Responsible for Credit Card Fraud Prevention? You Are.

For ecommerce merchants, payment service providers and card issuers who are serious about credit card fraud prevention, there is good news. GPayments has a 3D Secure 2 fraud prevention solution for all responsible parties and payment authentication domains.  Where credit card fraud occurs You may be wondering what we mean by authentication “domain”? The 3Ds […]

EMV 3DS 2.3 and the Enhancement of Fraud Prevention 

It is estimated that over the next decade, card fraud will cost the global card payment industry more than $408 billion. Fraud prevention is critical for online transactions. Consumers, acquirers, merchants, and card issuers all need better security for changing risks.  EMVCo 3-D Secure (EMV 3DS) is a messaging protocol and offers a solution to […]

Frictionless Authentication: What It Is & How It Works? 

Did you know that $56 billion was lost due to identity fraud last year? Luckily, there are various ways of fraud prevention. Secure payments utilising multi-factor, passwords, and biometrics are standard payment authentication processes. However, 3D Secure 2 provides a frictionless authentication experience for online payments. This means that the process is easy for customers, with no extra steps or […]

Mastercard Security Workshop

Earlier this month, GPayments was fortunate to have the opportunity to present to Mastercard clients at a workshop held in Tokyo, Japan. GPayments presentation covered the implementation process that merchants will be required to undertake to adopt the long awaited 3D Secure 2 payment authentication protocol. 3D Secure 2 will benefit online merchants by providing […]